Kurt Philip Behm

All Scepters Disowned

I don’t bow to money,

I don’t bow to fame


I kneel to that one thing,

that time cannot change


I don’t speak for ‘right,’

and won’t speak for ‘wrong’


My liege is the truth,

all court jesters gone


I don’t hope to be knighted,

my shield more concave


And rejecting all title,

the past still enslaved


My will lay unbroken,

my heart for a throne


A crown jeweled with memory,

—all scepters disowned


(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2017)




Together As One


Eighteen or eighty,

my age the words hide


Beginning or ending,

a life or death slide


My breath stays unseasoned,

its truth zero-sum


A child or a sage,

—together as one


(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2107)