
The other you the other me.

Sometimes I find you hiding in my mind
Its, strange because you\'ve never been here before
You try to see if it is still me inside
So you wont stay alone outside no more

I find you running through my thoughts and feelings
Its, strange because I never saw you run before
Except from when you\'re looking for new meanings
or when the tide was coming to the shore.

I saw you fighting in my nightmares
Its strange because I\'ve never dreamed of you before
I never thought you could be priceless
I wanted less of you now I want more

I saw you crossing careless all the borders
Its strange because you always used to care
The chapters of our lifes had their own folders
And pain it wasn\'t yours to bare.

I saw you angry and i heard you shouting
its strange because you always stood against the war
But now you sent your demons out for hunting
and kicked your angels out the door

I saw you stripping, naked of emotions
it\'s strange because you always used to feel
And now inside of you there is no motion
Now you are me the one you tried to heal.