Heather T

beneath sickles of moon

I hemmed your illustrations

beneath sickles of moon

gypsied from ink to ink

bartering lips for legends

of the sepia of your tribe

and the tracks you left

on indian summer mournings

to retrace the freedom

of appaloosa nights

and dappled women

flung to the four corners

and caravans of rumors and wars


brimful lamps spilled

in the hollows of my throat

I smiled as if they were not

antiqued already

and painted my breasts

with the hush of your feathers

gathering apache stars

to gild the pale of my skins

the alchemy of fireside

made coppered tears of smoke

and grass stain healing

an ancient howling hymn


I dipped forgiveness

in the pigment of your barrens

and tattooed damp prophecies

of my woman\'s fertile love