
One things for certain.

Walked over. stepped on. pushed

Tears and pain and screams now hush

That one though never leaves my head

One things for certain id be better off dead


All the false words, the lies

All the fake actions, the smiles

All the things you never should have said

One things for certain id be happier dead


You broke my heart

My smile you tore me apart

All the texts I wish I never read

One things for certain I wish I was dead


You always wanted to be with me

Stole my heart and threw away the key

We used to talk and lie on my bed

Now I lie here saying, one things for certain I want to be dead


All the things we done together

Laughed as we talked about forever

We smiled and watched drop dead Fred

One things for certain I’ve tried to drop dead


I’ve attempted suicide many of times

Right now my number is resting on nine

Given up as I swallow the meds

One things for certain its hard to be dead


I always relied on you

You used to call or meet me and get me through

I can sit and remember all the times that I bled

One things for certain ill end up dead


Now its all over but the pain will come again

And Ill be left with the memories to drive me insane

All of the signs that I went after. You led

But One things for certain.. I’m still not dead.