Worn Sleeve-Heart


Her discussions subduing my attention like an ever cascading trap,

My heart throbs as an everlasting river of lustful endeavors rampages into hellish waterfalls,

My mind winding into an weaving and churning like clock with cogs confining one another in the mechanism,

Her creamy skin and intoxicating aroma flood my nostril like a downpour of rain fill the streets,

Her eyes go on into a void that I can lose myself and body like I am singular being with her exquisite windows that lead to her persona,

My body is in command by her will and reactions like a samurai devoting their lives and sacrifice it all for their masters,

My own mouth salivates at the appearance of her curvaceous body as if I was striving in a desperate scavenge for a million years,

In my life I can\'t survive as any other could with her presence in my life as I would fall into a cage of deaths icy finger of which I would throw,

Is this love or is this merely a pathetic grasp on to obsession like terrible dime-store tape attaching my little sanity I have to my mind,

My eyes focus in on her auburn hair looking like hellfire has been set on earth and succubi have been released among us,

If she is a succubus and I her victim as willing as lovesick slave tangled in a web of delusions,

I am in a tornado of ever spinning turmoil making me numb to this world along with life,

She is my only sustenance of any awareness to this existence,

I obey as the lustful, obsessed, mad driven samurai following the master succubus till death.