Kurt Philip Behm

The Last Mark (+2)

Age is a demon,

age is a shield


Age is a weapon,

age makes you yield


Age is redundant,

age self-defies


Age is the truth,

age often lies


Age calls within you,

age calls without


Age comes to get you,

age never doubts


Age self-enlightens,

age brings the dark


Age keeps the ledger,

—age the last mark


(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2017)




Angel Guardian


In the still of night, between the sheets, she came to

me again, her mission clear, I must adhere—and let

the dream begin


My fears and doubt she then ignored, and covered both

with dust, to mask the past and future lies, whose

weakness I entrust


In the dimming light her wings were spread, as sheet

and blanket flew, and from her back, a world

estranged—from what I thought I knew


She burned my eyes and entered deep, to places I

had banned, and far within what I’d become—she

let go of my hand


Now looking back, I see the dust, it marks my entry

clear, and covers up my last denial—and buries

every fear


The dream to end, my soul to mend, new eyes to open

wide, but when they close, my spirit knows—the truth

now sleeps inside


(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2017)



Literal Obesity


Word count a burden,

lines adding weight


Meaning gets crushed,

—feelings deflate


(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2017)