
The Artist\'s Eye

The geese swam to Peter not for food but to check his latest painting and a few from years past displayed along the shore line. They seemed eager to swim in the warm blue rippled water pooled on canvas or might they find nourishment in the tall wind blown grass along the banks, waddling on shore to play and see their photographic likeness in the tree shadowed stillness of the lake on linen. In the fogged distance neighboring homes reflected effervescently along the shoals, so clearly depicted by this artist\'s eye. One lone goose stood out amongst her mated flock. Did she come to visit her consort in winged requiem on painted cloth? Once a union for life, now cut short by the hunters blast, her mate\'s essence was so captured in art that the doleful foul\'s saddened demeanor switched to ceremonial honking and animated flapping of her wings. After a few minutes of gazing at her lost companion she would return to the outermost edge of her gaggle, paired in memory of her love lost. The art of this man Peter, Peter Artiste, brightens the hearts of many who visit the Vancouver shore.


Augustus / Houston, Texas / June 2017