
A Poem for Bigotry.

A series of things that gay people do in public.
We go out for drinks with friends.
We can have successful jobs.
We go to concerts.
We want to marry without being told we’re “not entitled to”.
We want to live free of prejudice, that’s all we ask.

Knives scare me more than guns: when I see a knife, I see the flash of a slaughterhouse and the conveyer belts converting animals to packaged marketable pieces.
I know a slaughterhouse when I see one: it looks like the parents sending their child to gay conversion camps to ‘cure’ them. It looks like the preacher that brainwashes trans children to believing they’re broken. It looks like the justice system disregarding men in abusive relationships with other men. 

This is what people either directly or indirectly imply they want to happen to us. On the other hand, at least a bullet to right spot of the head denies them satisfaction of the screaming from the kitchen.
I know a slaughterhouse when I see one: it also looks like losing a job/being evicted from your home/being bullied at school because of who you are. It’s the derogatory word for a public display of affection. It\'s the comment section for a bigot to write a song about what they believe should happen to us. It\'s a sulphuric air we are force-fed to breathe when placed in social and political boxes of the history they won\'t teach you in school.

We just want to live free of prejudice, that’s all we ask.
But know this, what goes around comes around and each derogatory word is like a small stone that starts an avalanche.