Aa Harvey

English Cowboy

English Cowboy



I see a Cowboy walking down the street…

He looks like he’s a stranger here, from a place I have never been.

He tips his hat at the ladies and they are all smiling back at him.

If I bought myself a cowboy hat, they still would never smile at me.

Because I’m an English man in England,

I cannot stand out from the crowd;

But the Cowboy walking down this London street,

He ain’t looking like no clown.



He owns his style and he walks so proud;

That is something I could never do.

In this place I am always lost, somehow.

Maybe if I went to his land, I could find myself in tune.



He’s heading for his hometown;

I’m walking out on mine.

I see him at the airport,

Waving all those smiling ladies goodbye.

When we land over in his land,

He just becomes the same as all the rest.

I walk into the nearest bar and order myself a drink…

Oh my God!  I love your accent!



I’m a stranger in a stranger town

And I feel as if I’m right at home.

I’m so glad I left those London streets;

Maybe I could have stayed, but sometimes you just have to go…



(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.