
\'I Win\'

You let me win and you lose

Every little game between me and you

Let me keep my stuff in your room

I make a mess but you’ll tidy it soon

Smile every time you walk by

I rarely do, moody most the time

You let me borrow your stuff

At the risk I might lose it

Trust me all the time

Although I sometimes bruise it

You share everything with me, even your food

Even though I’ll eat it all

Leave nothing for you

You include me in conversations; share with me your news

It makes me feel important, trustworthy to you

You talk with me when I want

Deal with me when you have to

When I’m drunk or mean

You’ll still be there when I need you

Sacrifice so much for me

Even putting your job on the line

I wish I could do these things but I’m selfish at times

You lighten up my day

Make it so bright

Even though you wind me up

Nearly leading to fights

‘Stuck in the 80’s’ listening to ABBA all night

Constantly watching Criminal minds

Drinking your glass of wine

With Harry potter souvenirs forever in sight

But keep tattoos and piercing\'s hidden from her eyes

I will never forget you

Or these little things

There what makes you, you

A person who is wonderful

A person who should never change