
Back in the Sixties.

I was there, back in the day,

Those days in the sixties,

Those days before discos,

When groups played on stage

And we all danced.

Danced to songs of the time.

That time when music changed,

And the music changed our lives,

Changed our attitudes,

And led us into a new way,

A new way of enjoyment.

Yes I was there

Dancing the night away,

Until at least ten thirty,

When the last dance was played,

The slow one and I danced close,

Close to the girl I was with.

I would slowly walk her home,

Not wishing to break the spell

Of our time together.

A sweet kiss as we parted,

Complete innocence

Yes I remember the sixties.


Some say that if you remember the sixties

You were not there,

But I was there looking for life,

Not war, not drugs.

I was looking for and found happiness,

Happiness in those times,

When the young people took the country by storm.

The dowdiness of the fifties dispelled,

And changed into the glory of the sixties.


Here I am looking back,

Looking back at those times,

And I find that during that time

I have one thing that has not changed.

On the very rare occasions that I dance

Some fifty plus years later,

I still step to one side,

And then step to the other side,

As I did back in the sixties.