

I am waiting, oh am I waiting

And have been for a long time

For some wondrous sign

Showing me clearly the

Direction of my life

Handwringing, worrying constantly

Of missing the sign by a heart beat

Blissfully unaware that by

Always waiting I am

Not living


There may never be a sign

I may have waited for naught

Languishing in the desert

Of false hopes and expectations

Squandering all chances of

Living up to my potential

Searching for meaning like a

Shriveled plant searches for water

Looking in all the wrong places

Finding nothing


Until one day I recognize the sign

And my waiting is over, OR

I finally come to my senses

Abandon my quest and my waiting

Regard my life with newly opened eyes

Throw away the old inhibitions

Venture boldly into foreign territory

Embrace change and adventure

Free myself from self-inflicted shackles

And finally start to live