
Chuckles The Clown (Life is a Three Ring Circus)

Chuckles The Clown
(Life is a Three Ring Circus)

Chuckles The Clown
Wears a frown
Cause they closed the circus down
With a shiny red nose tucked away in a box
And his size 24 shoes in hock
He sheds a tear
for an elephant he held dear
Once in his heart
As he dreams of a new start
under the big lights
But not tonight
‘cause the crowds have all gone
and the time has moved on
past the lights, past the applause
and into the night where he takes pause
for darkness has come to take him to its lair
As children\'s smiles dissipate into the air

Cry for Chuckles with his red nose
Weep for the circus it has closed
P. T. Barnum said there was a “sucker born every day”
But he didn’t understand that even a sucker cannot stay
For after so many licks it just fades away,
Fades away,
Till the end of time
In all this pantomime
They put him in a wood box
With his Polka Dot socks
And nobody came
But maybe the invisible man,
And a clown who spun a pan
On a long stick
and he was rather old and appeared sick,
Chuckles has gone
And it is the clock that ticks on

For the Greatest Show on Earth
had become lame
And just a side show
To the people who once came
So Chuckles he died with a broken heart, don’t you know,
As they packed up the tent for the time had come to go

Was it so wrong to make a Lion tame?
Was it wrong to tame the wild?
Was it so wrong to put a smile on the face of a child?

I think the heart is our ticket booth
And life is the Circus if you want the truth
We love, we live, we laugh and then we die
In between are the moments we cry
And today we shed a tear for Chuckles The Clown
In hopes, the circus comes back to our town

But the Chuckles in this world are almost gone
And the cell phone lives on
To make us smile
And make us frown
Like the forgotten memories of the Big Top
and Chuckles the Clown

BR June 2017