
Boy Band Blues

Hell bent
On appearing
Heaven sent
The stench of self deceit
Can be detected
in you\'re scent
no antiperspirant
Can mask
The smell of dishonesty
Escaping from the sweat
Secreting from your brow
Secrets you try to conceal
Are destined to amount
In the tears of a clown
The truth in your eyes
Can never hide behind
Those patronising sounds
Of false anecdotal accounts
You perform night after night
In town after town
to a brand new crowd
They don\'t want the real you
They want the 22 million hit YouTube 3 chord groove recycled & reused
From the version of you
Designed to sell
Designed to fool
Designed not inspired
You must by now be a little tired
Of being desired and admired
By these new age masses who watch music like it\'s an advertisement.