Aa Harvey

I will wait

I will wait.



If love is searching for me, then I will not move.

I will wait here, doing nothing, until she comes into view.

I will wait here a million years if she is worth the wait.

I will patiently remain, even if she is a thousand years too late,

Because I hope she is running to be with me.

I desire her love, so patiently,

I wait to embrace,

To see her face,

So I can know the day I found her.



I will wait until she arrives

And if it takes until the end of time

And I only get a second to look into her eyes,

Then I will wait…

Because she will have tried to reach me,

So it must be,

Possible for her to truly love me.



If love is searching,

I will not be deserting.

I will wait patiently, even when I am truly hurting.

I will wait…


…For you.



(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.