
Shake The World

Following the same paths as always

Fear encircles so none go astray

Chains holding us down from change

Foiling attempts to reach out of range


Lies thrown all out within the air

Caught and dooming us to despair

No venturing past the boundaries

Caged and desperate to be free


Like sheep cornered and held by hate

That they create to control our fate

Jailed from the truth and lost

Embers cooled by a dulling frost


Refuse to remain docile and unaware

Stand and rebel for the time is right

For liberty take the chance and dare

Bring an end to this makeshift night!

Send out the ink artillery

Sacrifice until you\'re free

Nowhere else you\'d rather be


Shake the world down to its core

An iron conviction for what you\'re fighting for

Burn the roots and start anew

This age of change to remain true