
I am a computer.

My body is exactly like a computer.

It is programmed the same and has all the same features and technology. Each computer is then personalized.

Like a computer, I am very fragile. If you drop me on the floor or off a cliff, I break. I will no longer function properly.

If you spill water on a computer, it will zap, go insane and end up turning off. I am the same way. If you spill feelings and emotions into my mind and body, I will zap at you and go insane. I cannot handle it and end up turning away from you.

In a computer when something goes wrong with the motherboard, it effects the entire computer. It will shut down and try to regroup.

When something goes wrong in my life, I immediately break down and cry and lose complete control of my emotions and my mind. Then I regroup and bottle the problems away deep in my soul.

The one difference is, you can taken a broken computer to the store and fix it. Yet, there is no way to fix me.