


That\'s how I felt 

One day you were around 

Then you became someone else

Treated me like a stranger 

Like I meant nothing 

You said you cared, you loved me 

But only left me in confusion 

I didn\'t know where we stood 

Always hot and cold

One minute being so kind, then so cruel

No reason, nothing explained 

Acted as if I was fine, as if nothing hurt 

I didn\'t want to give you the satisfaction of tearing up my little world 

You seemed to enjoy seeing me suffocate in pain 

Constantly making me jealous, rarely speaking my name 

How can someone change this much 

From exchanging words of love 

To becoming invisible, like floating dust 

Only noticed for insults or fights 

I felt so weak, nothing went right 

You would never say sorry

Or accept your mistakes in light 

Entirely stubborn 

You would only deny

I eventually gave up 

I couldn\'t argue with lies 

You never stuck around or soothed away my cries 

Abandoned me like my friends 

Even at \'Prom night\'

We never spoke things through 

Left numb and blue 

\'Things got too deep\'

Was the only explanation given 

Not even from you 

I had to de-attach, had to say goodbye 

I knew you\'d still be around

But my feelings would have to die