The Sea, an untangling vineyard within us all
And a placid heart in motion to rise or fall,
Solemnly glorifies each waves as memory
And each tip and stone gold (the tough but the crest)
Within the irony of a worn harmony;
All from the mind the heart would begin and rest
And be found and deplored in a bottled message;
The tempest rushes in light of years to come,
Withering before a raging merchant and his easy passage
That sets the glory of a senseless Sun;
Infinities and their moralities! breathing symphonies
From the Orchestra blowing life amidst a grain of sand,
All rough and calm, sickly and balm, within the palm of Neptune\'s hand,
The tough and crest, wrinkles and breast, eyes of visionaries
Turned to shells and conchs for an observatory
Which burns beneath the Sea for eternity --
The Snakes shredded skin across on the Water\'s sensuality
Constitutes layers of creation as a necessity.