
Prayer Ponderings

Fits tune: Manchester

(\'Father of mercies, in thy word\')

John 16 v.19 - 28 parts


1. Jesus was from the Father sent

And to Him then He went

At His Ascension clouds they did

Receive Him, from us hid


2. But the Holy Spirit promised

Not forgotten, remissed

Sent upon us, and us indwells

We His life-giving wells


3. Prayer promises to us He gave

His nature e\'er to save

Truly, truly, do ask in prayer

The Father, always there


4. There to accept prayers in the name

Of Christ His Son, the same

One who was with us on earth here

Does now in heaven appear


5. Appears now as our Advocate

Helps us early, not late

Whate\'er we ask in Christ\'s name for

The Father will do sure


6. If it be we have asked nothing

Yet in His name, now bring

Your prayers, requests, and not delay

For bright shall be your day


7. Ask, and you shall receive, \'tis so

And joy full you shall know

Content to pray God\'s will, His way

Not our own wants or say


8. In that love relationship grow

Seek His commands to know

And obey by the Spirit\'s power

Enabling every hour