
L is for Trap (Sonnet)


L is for Trap

A is for apple B is for Balloon

C is for Crisis D is for Destroyed

L’s are traps like a baboon to a zoo

Often given for illusions of joy


Often shared for luminous intentions

It doesn’t alliterate with the word

Quickly strips your life away like lynchin’

All victims tragically wish they were purged


You may be questioning where is my point

Lies, Lust and Love the 3 best deceivers

Lies that joint to a false reality  

Lust just fabricates permanent relief


Last but least the deadliest of them all

Can tickle a feather yet haunt for life

Owl like Eyes allow it to see us fall

Juliet ended her trap with a knife


Temporarily or Everlasting

Both leave you with a potent sting for more