
Mother\'s Days

They designated a single day

For appreciating you in May

With gifts and commercializing

For profiteers always advertising

Gifts for motherhood?  What a joke!

Please, do not my ire provoke


To think of bonding

To imagine loving

To know affection

To recognize devotion

None surpasses them

Mother’s a true gem


Where would I be

Without your act of love

That made me be

From infancy’s cove?

Your sacred womb

Had me lovingly entombed


Floating and exchanging

With you juices of love and life

In stately darkness swimming

For nine months, free of strife

You relished my kicks, nourished my being

As pain and I incrementally jived


To the final upsurge

Before I emerge

You put all pain aside

Wanting me by your side

As your first act of love

Outside, via which inside I strove


Then you fed me from your bosom

Abandoned all so I could blossom

To you I always came first

No matter what, you came last

All done with not a whimper

All smiles, in my pain or chatter


Was there ever a joy

I had that you did not share?

Did I suffer a single throe

That was not in your prayer?

Was there such a friend

Like you to the very end?


Long after you’re gone

Your essence in me will flow

Alive or not, thy will is done

No love so utterly shows

As yours, bar none

Full, pure, with grace it flows


My love for you is for ever

As yours is to the last

All days belong to Mother

Not just in May alas!

Else don’t even bother

To seek love from any Other


You epitomize all goodness

You symbolize all kindness

You signify all selflessness

You eschew all selfishness

But how could you not

Else your own flesh to blot?



©Alwi Shatry, All Rights Reserved, June 19, 2017