Austin Harness


Do I show you who I am,

Or who I could be?

Because when I am away from you,

I feel like a different me.

You could say that I\'m wrong,

But I don\'t think I\'d believe.

Because it feels like all the time,

You\'re the one I deceive.

It kills me on the inside,

Not telling if my words are the truth or a lie.

But what scares me the most,

Is the fear of goodbye.

I show you the parts of me,

That just might be good.

But the bad things in me,

Are the ones I really should.

Through the hardships of time,

I will learn to confess.

And all of my broken pieces,

Will come together and be at rest.

 Each day I will fight,

Fight all of the bad things.

Pushing through each trial and test,

To see how close you and I are becoming