
Before I Bleed

They say blood is thicker than water

But what could be thicker than the air

That clogs the lungs of my father

And blankets this town in despair


If blood is what gives me life

Then why does it sting in my veins

The blood you gave me floods my eyes

But when it reaches my cheeks, it never stains


Is blood alone what does the trick

Are my tears and screams not good enough

To provoke your worries, to show you I’m sick

Do I need to bleed to earn your trust?


If that’s the case, step in line

It’s time for my final bow

Speak your piece, say your goodbyes

I won’t be coming back around


You may see my face

Or you may hear my voice

But there will never be a trace

Of my blood; I’ve made my choice


For you, I’ve held my tongue

Painted a smile, lived in need

In twenty years, I’ve never run

But I will run before I bleed