
What is Death?

We know it is waiting for us,

It cannot be avoided.

It could happen quickly,

It could happen slowly.

But what is it?

What is death?

We know that the body stops,

Stops breathing,

Stops working,

Stops existing.

But what else is there?

Does anything else exist?

Is there a Spirit,

Or a Soul,

Within us?

Many say they know,

They know that our Spirit,

That Spirit within us,

Goes on and never dies.

But are we right?

We just do not know.

Death is a vast mystery

That we may never solve,

Except for those who believe.


And I believe with all My Spirit

That My Spirit will go on,

Go on to infinity,

Go on to eternity.



\"What we don’t know about death is far, far greater than what we do know.\"  Captain Janeway, StarTrek Voyager – Emanations.