
Keeping Up With The Reality

Ask me what kind of shows I watch, and I will take you on a magical journey from Westeros to American ghost stories to watching men dance in Drag. What entertains me is the Starks and the Lannisters at royal meal ripe with THE tension of “Who’s going to die next?\", ghosts that are trying to explain what happened to them, Crime scene investigation documentaries discovering the truth, and yet I’m told that what I like to watch is boring.

Boring because it’s not an hour filled with overpaid arseholes sat talking in a sitting room being paid millions to talk about nothing. It’s not as interesting as watching two girls argue over a boy they only met 2 days ago and calling it “girl code\", or a group of boys out on the town treating women as sexual prey for their personal gain, and you\'re telling me my shows are boring?

Reality TV, does not exist. Even in talent competitions the producers pick the most entertaining to watch: will they pick a pianist, painter or a spoken word artist? Or a dog that’s been taught to walk on its hind legs? The producers are likely to go for the latter, as the dog is a metaphor for Celebrity: they’re trained to only sell assets their trainers know people will buy.

#KeepUpWithYourLife #NotSomeoneElses