Time is catching up with us, every moment we stand by
Like sheep, allowing ourselves to be herded into our pen
All dreams burned and buried, yet none there to cry
Fear our master, controlled by Greed, whose life has no end
Obeying the laws of lies and false promises all around
Accepting the injustices, will you refuse to make a sound?
For those who have the match, but no courage to light the flame
Know once it has been kindled, it will never be tamed
Afraid of the ashes and smoke that are sure to rise
Content to sit back and observe the blood as it dries
Not willing to begin the story
Not knowing how it may end
Not wishing to anger the sea
For the waves it may send
\"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It\'s not.\" Dr. Seuss