Dr.Mohammed Alrazak
The Stela epic, PART 1
The grains of sand, the drops of rain, makes the stage for souls to play
The prints of feet on rocks were wonders and arts as the birth of mankind will start the earthly theater display
The engraved letters on the wheel of history, are eager to embark on an everlasting quest
Thence, the arrow and spears from bones and stones, for survival were gathered and preciously possessed
And so the magnanimous mammoth marches the land, proud with his fur, prehensile trunk and curvy ivory tusk
Pursued by hunters gatherers, as a walking feast and for tools carved from dawn to sunset, orange at dusk
The dazzling white ice, made the horizon shine with eternal peace and flutter of fineness of no parallel
Their caves speaks of riddles with lines, colors and signs as waves of poems and hymns on stones and stela as well
The man and eve together, they march alone in the wild, after they learn the names, and they enrobe
Their offspring were devoured in vast envy, villainous avarice with illusions of hope, to conquer the globe
But others with the smiling rainbow of passion with eloquence of mind and grace, their essence is pure to be and free
Destiny is written and eyes will see, what is in the book of life, the words shall be
The grandfather of wisdom, trying to overthrow the old belief in the kingdom of Ur, but King Nimrod threw him in a wild fire
But heaven’s wind cooled his flesh and took him on wings to rest and to Babylon’s sanctuary, as he desire
The message of monotheism he aspired, and when heaven published the words, freedom and justice were the letters
Born to be free, as we would be, destiny and will, shall know if that can be, and you will live forever
The Earth dreams for peace, but blindness in beliefs and a freighted greed
Enslave mankind and minds by seers and sires who captured the souls, so not to be freed
Thence, Sumer was born, the cradle and the dawn, prevalence of its lights went farther than ancient Mesopotamia
Elements of humanity, pillars for life and morality, delivered golden quilted letters, wisdom and laws for all academia
And more innovation for land and in heaven shall ever last, where the birth of degree, hours with minutes, lunar months,
The days of the year and so the rolling wheel, the troops of numbers, the star catalogs and naming the dazzling stars,
Codes of laws, epics and rhyming love lines, myths, and planets scenery on tablets, written by scholars and peers
Legend of those who venture for the unknown, greatness, gallantry and beyond the dreams of all mankind
Gilgamesh, the sacred king, who saw the deep of the truth and life, he ventured far wide and unconfined
Beyond cedar forest, aiming to capture the horizon of time, the shadow of eternity, revealing senses of humanity and seeing the truth in his lingering dreams
Which haunted him and so did immortality, he chances the deluge, Humbaba, Atrahasis, and the vivid themes and shimmering streams
The wisdom, the atrocious journeys, the unknown, the quest and events overlapped and resembled the sacred narrative and text,
Babylon, the earthly sun with hanging gardens, shone for all lands and for eternity, a civilization will remain perplexed
Enuma Elish, the instruction of king Shuruppak, the primordial ponds for genesis, and wisdom for all antiquity text, scrolls, myths and epics
The Atrahasis “extremely wise”, a Sumerian wonder tablet of creation, cosmic and deluge, its building blocks adapted in Gilgamesh, Iliad and Odyssey narrative and ethics
The rays of Mesopotamia’s wisdom, literary and inspiration, voyaged to Greece, Persia, Phoenicia, the land of Chin, the Nile, the known land and even beyond
The Greeks with the art of philosophy, temples of myths and legends, streams of knowledge, to know yourself and how you respond
The creation, heaven, cosmic discoveries, wheel and circle, legends accords, Enuma Elish and Shuruppak lines with wisdom rhymes, singing for minds and time, and were carved for eternity
The council of elders of Gilgamesh, advisers and senates to trust, the first of its kind on land and a beacon and milestone for all assembly of liberty
The Greeks with white and black stones aim to find their leaders, when the darkness by one will distort freedom and sovereignty
But even with the freedom of choice, the elite to remain dominant has made the fear without law and fear by law, the difference between tyranny and democracy
The thinker in the land of Chin, were far reached since the ancient Longshan and Daxi culture, the moral values and innovation, still shinning with humble pray to present day
The descendant of the yellow river and the fiery Chin emperor, they had woven creamy silk, and built a cosmic observatory, which was to life and heaven its pleasure and doorway
Knowledge, philosophy and aphorisms of Confucius, and Su Song with his genius in the cosmic, astronomical clock tower and engine
The wonder of temples and pyramids, inspired the Pharaoh Akhenaten, the sun-disk, the only one to worship and to mention
Indus valley, where curving and design of stones, philosophy, the principle of gravity and Mahabharata epic with worship and verses
But the globe was with raging wars everywhere, blindness in beliefs and a freighted greed, mindless aggression with bloodletting obsession
The thirsty sword swings its fierce steel by the hand of treachery
Conquerors shall rhyme with time, for bloodshed to spill over a century
Across the world, they march and thrive on the rattled skulls and bones
Their reward, a medal of serpentine, curved from fire and evil stones
Kings and emperors proclaim glory from devouring countless souls
The ghost of liberty, and the lords of fire, became their silky trade
They conquer for the freedom to be raped and the orphans to be made