P.X. Vexxus


As he stands alone in the expanding dark

A sense of morbidity clings to his heart

He can feel it growing, threatening despair

This is how it ends, this is his cage of fear


In the nightmare he walks alone in forgotten silence

Only his gasping breath is heard within his blindness

On a path of sorrow and pain he slowly treads

Each step bringing him closer to that he dreads


Visions of death and lies linger in his scattered thoughts

He confronts his life, consumed in what he wrought

For he realizes within his nightmare, he is to blame

His very existence brought naught but everlasting shame


From the very beginning he was a mistake

He was never meant to exist, he was a fake

Now that lies are gone and cover is blown

He walks away from the life he has always known


He reaches the end of the path, only darkness awaits

He looks over his shoulder, and takes a leap of faith

Nobody tried to stop him, they couldn’t know, couldn’t hear

He belongs to his nightmare now, he gave in to his fear