A Bored Bookmarker

The Simplistic Life- bookmakers tend to prefer simple lives

\"When you label so much of what happens to you as \'bad,\' it reinforces the feeling that you are a powerless pawn at the mercy of outside forces over which you have no control. And - this is key - labeling something a bad thing almost guarantees that you\'ll experience it as such.\" ~Srikumar Rao


Unruly torment,

almost burying in all that one bears.

Birthing those of facile judgement.

Creating those of broad shoulders that will soon wear.


Living Simplistically.

Delivering Sympathy,

within\' that of false Empathy.


Creeping up from behind.

Breathing soft words into your ear,

the crash is coming in only a matter of time.

Simulating the weight of world with a tear.


Hollow husk of irate emotion,

the idea ascends one into Insanity.

Living Simplistically.

Turning down the Sympathy,

ideals crashing erratically.


Experiencing the bad.

Framed in anything but the wonderful.

Stepping back to look at the masterpiece too be had.

Finding the Empathetic Virgil.