Lost Girl

Frozen Hearted Girl

The world is so cold, it holds a breeze cold enough to make you shiver a million times... so cold it makes my teeth chatter and chills creep up my skin... so cold that I feel like I’m going to freeze to death and no matter how many people walk by no one ever offers me a cover... I sit alone and cold looking for any type of warmth... the days go by and I’m just becoming colder and colder just like the world itself... I keep trying to stay warm but nothing is working... until finally my heart is frozen and no one can seem to unfreeze it... no blanket, fire, or object can unfreeze my cold heart... it’s to late, my heart is frozen solid and it froze from the continuous coldness of life... it froze because of all the hate and pain in the world that I have endured... my heart simply froze because there wasn’t enough heat and warmth in the world to keep me warm... I also am infected with hate and pain which caused me to become cold... the world has a life lasting chill and no matter what happens the breeze just seems to get colder and colder