

I can\'t sleep. I\'m so tired yet I can\'t sleep. I try hard I even seal my eyes shut but I can still see the outline of the blackened out room.My mind is consumed with many thoughts that keep me up as of late. I can\'t shut it off. I can\'t make it stop. The noise the stillness. The shadows that warp and dance across my ceilings. Im scared even knowing it\'s  just my manifestation of distorted fears coming to life. Residing in the deepest darkest corners of my heart waiting to prey on me at my most vulnerable. I can\'t  control  my shallow breaths the rhythmic sounds of a faint heart as my tired eyes grow still. The cycle repeats on and on again. I haven\'t slept for days not really. My body is sweaty and fragile from the consistency of tossing and turning and night terrors that leave my heart racing. There seems to be no end to the madness the suffrage. My mind is weak without stimulation and I just lay there like a dead fish. Frozen in darkness the cold seeping through my flesh and the darkness engulfing my shell.