
Lamb Life

Fits tune: Mannheim

(One tune to \'lead us, heavenly Father, lead us\')


Lamb of God, sins of the world took

You in love us not forsook

Offering, sacrifice, salvation

Provided for each nation

For none other could atone sure

To redeem us evermore


Cleansing flow that brings forgiveness

You come to us, and us bless

Body broken, your blood shed forth

Reaches to east, west, south, north

Here be relief, here be comfort

For you thus our souls have sought


Communion commemorates

Of your grace that ne\'er abates

Bread and wine in symbols simple

Made life unto all you call

Eating, drinking, here our fine fare

At your table all may share


From your riches you became poor

To lead us to heavenly shore

No salvation have we besides

But your gospel brings good tides (tidings)

Your life given that we may live

We you worship, praises give


Peace with God now for mankind made

For Christ He the price has paid

Of our sins, though He the sinless

One, our Saviour, we confess

Graces, favours, every good thing

In your love you each one bring