
Kingdom Kindlings 2

Fits tune: Melita

(\'Eternal Father, strong to save\')


Save us from sin, your cooling balm

Send by your Spirit, keep from harm

Those who trust you, salvation sure

You do grant them for evermore

And so progresses on your reign

Freedom from mourning, crying, pain


And too an end of sin shall come

You the redemption work have done

God the Father shown in the Son

Shall finish what you first begun

Death shall be o\'er, the curse removed

Power of the gospel you proved


In Revelation\'s mysteries

Those open secrets, each one sees

With symbolism, metaphor

Yet we can learn and thus be sure

That all you have so appointed

Shall come to pass as you have said


Hearts be uplifted, minds aspire

To catch vision of holy fire

Here granted power, to witness free

To evangel each country, be

This our mission, fruit God to bear

By His grace in it we do share


On through the daily things of life

Trusting Him we have peace, not strife

Then noble destiny in sight

City, land of eternal light

Where all the saved through Christ shall be

With Him, and ever shall Him see