
The Warmth of Your Gaze

Your gaze is a spotlight into my soul,

I am naked before you...

The brokenness that I bury down into the deepest reaches of myself,

You pluck out with no effort...

Though my pages are worn and tattered,

I am easy reading for your eyes..

People I have know for a lifetime never see the dark entangled webs of shattered dreams you saw in an instant...

You feel my pain,

You hear my real voice,

With you there is no pretending...

The strong facade I display for the world to see,

You saw through in seconds...

You see my brokenness, You see my scars...

The things I thought were so ugly and repulsive,

The things I thought if anyone knew, they would run,

In them you found beauty...

In the brokenness of my heart you see warmth...

Your acceptance is my salvation,

Your compassion is my redemption,

I heal in the warmth of your gaze..