DEJA VU 2 ~ MON CLAIR DE LUNE ~ An Acrostic Sonnet



M ON CLAIR DE LUNE ~ Is My Moonlight

O NE  of my fave Piano Tunes ~ in



C ERTAINLY  it\'s one of his best 

L OVED  tunes ~ a haunting melody

A TUNE  that spooks you for ever !

I  WAS  visiting a Stately 

R ESIDENCE last year when ~ I HEARD IT


D ISTINCTLY ~ I followed the sound  

E NTERED  A locked Room ~ THERE SHE WAS !


L OOKING  just as in my \"Painting\" 

U NUSUAL  Dress and hair style for

N OW ?  I was mesmerised and so 

E XCITED !  SHE  vanished ~ BUT NOT THE TUNE !!!


Thanks for visiting ~ comments welcome ~ Love BRIAN XOX


The Mistress of the House ~ came into the Room ~ she was trembling

We keep this Room locked she sobbed \"Did you see Claire ?\" she was

my Grandmothers Sister and died at that piano 100 years ago in 1916.

She was only 16 and loved that tune (we could both still hear it) and

her Father was given a copy by Debussy himself.  When i showd he my

sketch she almost fainted !  She showed me an old Daguerrotype photo 

which was very similar to my sketch (even including the CAT) ~ SPOOKY

I apologised and said  a Friend of mine will paint a Daguerrotype for you

and it can hang over the piano. That is the Painting I have reproduced

for you with this For you with this Poem. The Mistress of the House loved

it and forgave me for disturbing the DEAD in such a dramatic manner !

The moral of this tale is:  If Pandora\'s Box or a Door is locked ~ Please

resist the temptation to unlock it !  Spooky Hugs for All ~ BRIAN  XOX