
Living for others

I\'m sorry I\'m like this,
I know you love me,
But you\'ve let me know you don\'t like me,
I try sometimes,
But my multiple failures make me unworthy,
You\'re angry I know,
I\'m sorry you chose this,
I\'m sorry you love me,
I\'m sorry I fuck up so regularly,
I\'m sorry I love you,
Not because it hurts me,
Loving you is the only good thing about me,
I\'m sorry I love you because it makes you appreciate me,
And that allows me to hurt you,
All the time,
I\'m sorry I don\'t have this figured out,
But I promise I\'ll keep trying,
I promise as long as you love me I\'ll do my best to make it worth it,
I can\'t promise anything more,
I can\'t promise I\'ll succeed,
But I will try,
And I won\'t give up,
You gave me life,
And my whole life people have told me how much I hurt you,
How lucky I am to have you,
And I can\'t help but agree,
But this is me and you know that,
This is my life,
You want me to live it so I will,
But I\'m sorry you made me,
And you have no clue how long and how bad I\'ve just wanted to go.