
My Heart\'s On My Sleeve...

My Heart\'s On My Sleeve...

No matter how much I try and cover it

My heart runs wild when I see you

My heart beats fast when I\'m near you

Your Eyes...Your Smile...Your way with words...

It enchants me so

You made me feel things I thought I couldn\'t feel

You made me do things I thought I would never do

You made me love again...

You made me feel again...

 You made me feel alive...

But...that all changed.

My heart felt dull and subdued...

My heart was beating so quietly, I thought it stopped...

Your eyes weren\'t as loving as before

The smile I once thought beautiful turn beastly

Your words once brought me joy...only brings me pain

I ended up hurting myself over...and over...and over

Me thinking that it would change anything

Me thinking that it would distract me from the pain you brought

But all it left was a reminder of the pain you caused...

You made me feel hate again...

You made me build up a wall I once tore down for you...

You made me feel EMPTY,HURT,ALONE...

But yet, through it all,...I still love you...

I still want to push through

I still want to try 

No matter how much it hurts!

I need it...I want it...I want you 

Near me

You may push me away or say harsh things 

But I\'ll still love you...I\'ll still be here 

My heart\'s on my sleeve 

No matter how much I try and cover it.