Fay Slimm.






Strange the interchange taking place
in human sensations.

The sound of rain on flat sea,
distant thunder, or small insect noises  
transform into sight down in the ear.

The smell of fresh odours 
appear as taste to the back of a nose.

Perceiving dampness on skin, fragility
of petals or the touch 
of soft velvet is sensed too as hearing.

Dawn\'s wonder is sampled by more than
mere sight.

The presence of silence exudes a scent
which turns into feeling.

Birdsong\'s twitter invades eye-sight just
like it captivates ears.

Moments of noting translate by alchemy
to each of the reflective senses.

Yet who we are is really much more than
the sum of sensual traits.
The tower we are is lit by spirit guided by
divinity and cradled in sacredness.


We, a mixture of clay and angel are vastly
endowed and greatly blessed.
May we ever treat gently the heaven held
in our wondrous vessel.