

It\'s just as it sounds 

No feeling

I can no longer be sad, or mad

I can be numb 

Anyone can be numb, but not without reason 

You\'re my reason

I used to drown in my tears

Now I\'m all out of tears

I felt so much, 

That I began to feel nothing at all

Slowly fading away, 

As you quickly forget me

Oh, forget me not I should say

But I can\'t even speak

I needed you

I needed you to get me through the darkness

The darkness that was never light

But it\'s okay

I\'m okay 

Do you miss me as I miss you, love?

I cannot decide if I miss you, or just want to miss you

But I\'d still fake a smile

I\'d still force laugh

But it\'s okay

I\'m okay

If there\'s one thing I\'d feel for you that I wouldn\'t care feeling, 

It\'d be regret