
Waffling A While

Ohh now, I dunno....

Reading about church music and its history


It seems congregations didn\'t actually SING 

Until about the 1500\'s or so!

They HEARD their Service, Mass, or whatever

That don\'t mean they actually took any part in it!


And did they know what was going on anyway

With all that Latin stuff?

It may have sounded fancy and eloquent

But what\'s the use

If no-one could understand

A dicky-bird of it?!


Now, c\'mon, all sing my hymn-poems!

The alternative is ghastly...

Why, I will sing them to ya myself!


Here\'s a sample......


Wot\'s that? You thought it was

Two cats fighting??

Erm, well, lots of people can\'t tell the difference

And with a sherry or three, it\'ll be:

\"All shings brightish and bootyful\"

Ssshhh! Don\'t sing it too loud

I\'m nodding off now!


Now I know you\'d rather choose

Watching a week of \'Neighbours\'

Or summat equally horrific


That Orchi

He dunno about iambic wotsits

Nor professional poetics

He dunno about descants - only decanters, full ones!

He just writes any old stuff


But now - to finish -

How did this one get into me \'hymn-book\'?!

Will he be excomm-wotsit-ated?!

Chucked out of church, in other words

Tee Hee Hee