Lost Girl


STRONG, it seems like a simple 6 letter word but it’s much more... Strength can save your life in more ways than one... and no I’m not taking about how many push-ups you can do or how many pounds you can lift, I’m talking about being strong mentally... being able to lead others during chaos, not a lot of people can say that they are mentally strong... everyone wants to think of themselves as leaders but really they’re stuck in the shadows of someone else, following behind someone else’s actions! Everyone wants to be a leader until it’s time to lead... WEAK, a word that also seems so simple and direct.... it’s a number of ways to be weak and being weak-minded is the worst of them all... well in my opinion it is... people with a weak mindset get taken advantage of and treated unfairly so much easily than a strong person... stepped on, walked over, and forgotten about... the saying “only the strong will survive” is so true... Trust me if your here today on this Earth you are strong... it takes strength to survive everyday... it takes strength to make it through even if it’s just barely... we all can be strong we just need it brought out of us... sometimes we have to be strong for other people, you have to take control of the situation and look what your scared of in the eye and say “I AM STRONG”! Do not let fear run you... Let you run you!