Poetic Dan

K9 teaching


Fight- is not a place you want to be.

As this will let no one in, the only thing left to attack will be what\'s within yourself. 


Flight- is not a place to stay too long.

As you\'ll soon be running from your own shadow. 


Freeze-is unbearable as you\'re stuck in between it all, paralysed with anxiety unable to contemplate and move. 


Surrender-is tricky. For this no easy feat, not to be in the three F\'s but still hold no desire for changing anything. 


These are the four instincts a k9 has;

These things are identically deep within in us.


For when they are not in any of these

You are in balance and harmony. 


To gain their guidance three things must be done, in the right order for it to truly help. Without the first the rest won\'t come. You\'ll think you have it, but it\'s not the balance of nature at work. 


Trust- is the key and this could come straight away or take some time, there is no way to say. Patience and understanding, knowing when to give space or to be close. 


Respect- is given because the trust was earned, but breaking that trust you\'ll soon

loose the first. Once you have it though, there\'s going back, to the next on a one way track. 


Loyalty-is where it ends, no questioning, no second delay, through think and thin, rough or smooth they\'ll always ready right beside you. 


This is what they tell me so I can find my balance and peace, have confidence and be in control of my instincts. For you can not stop them, it\'s a part of being us, but it\'s not in the centre where you need to return to.


As a fox and flock of birds showed me sitting closely in a field, harmony is achieved when the mind is still.