
Growing Pains (2017)

A year has passed you by now. You catch yourself staring in the mirror saying I\'m 25? How? 

I was just a kid not so long ago. Brought into a world that I still find cold.

Theres been a lot of changes to the person inside of you existing today. New lessons learned and a bunch of mistakes have been made.

are you proud of this woman you claim today? What a shame that 25 years has just wasted away. 

A few weeks from now you\'ll be 26. A year later with the same shit I\'ve been struggling to fix.

And to add into the mix, more pain and heartaches, and a years worth of paying for the bad decisions you did.

But still here you are, despite your choices, loyal at heart. The beautiful soul inside you that stayed from the start.

Being true is every part of you. You\'re just stuck at a crossroads not knowing which path to choose.

It is a hard choice when you question \"How much more can I loose?\" 

When you\'ve already lost so much, getting lost yourself seems like the perfect answer. Seeing life like music and your lost soul being the dancer.

Dancing away lost in her ways, just going through the motions too pass up the days.

Another year fades away, and you\'ll still find her soul dancing as the music continues to play.

Whats growing up but merely an age, one day I may figure it out but for now I\'ll take center stage.