
Fat Class!

I\'m a member of Fat Class

Every Thursday I pay my dues 

\'A pound on\', \'A pound off\'

Oh! For a figure like an hour glass!

Up and down the scales I seesaw,

Eighteen points a day is the limit

When you\'re a member of Fat Class,

Maybe I should wire shut my munching jaw?

Oh! Why is it tasty treats - on mass-

Are full of sugar and fat?

Quickly adding up to the limit

Recommended at Fat Class -

A.K.A. Weight Watchers

The slimming doctors!

Carb Spotters!

The scale watchers!

How long \'til that targets done?

I\'ll have to consider the answer to that

Count and add the day\'s tally

Whilst I nibble on an illicit bun

Oh dear! I\'ll start again tomorrow!