
Coffee First!

Off we go into town,

Doing what we need to do,

Or not as the case may be,

But it always starts the same.

My wife says I sound like a parrot,

As “Coffee first” I say,

“Coffee first”.

Into the café we go,

I order the coffee

Mines and americano,

Without milk!

Hers is a cappuccino

With chocolate on the top.

We sit there drinking,

Chatting and laughing,

Watching the world go by.

Watching people

Is so entertaining.

My coffee is finished

So I am ready to face the world,

As the caffeine does its work.

She is still drinking hers,

So I employ another saying,

Hoping to hurry her up.

I say “Come on dear,

Places to go,

People to see.”

She replies,

“Don’t call me Dear!”