
Monday Monday so good to me

Monday monday
So good to me
It was all
I hoped it would be\'

I\'ll sing as i head to therapy.

Im gonna rant, i\'ll definitely cry
My increase in bp i can\'t deny

I\'ll talk about my week, mention my fall
Oh god she wont be happy with the amount of alcohol

Fat fat fat , food food food
This recent ludicrous unpredictable mood

Ups and downs and this happy act
Cause i avoided alot and that\'s a fact

With a busy week, came a real hard weekend
I\'ll explain how i threw a bottle at my assy friend

Hey i know i shouldn\'t have and i\'m not bitchin\'
Put man ya shouldn\'t have tried to stop me from leaving the kitchen

And now this need to just be alone
I feel like i\'ve gainned like 4 bloody stone
I want to hide, just hide away
But already cancelled last Thursday

I need this, I need this, I need therapy
Monday Monday so good to me.