
Modern Slaves of society

Children are born pure
There is no prejudice no judgement
They are an empty canvas
Waiting for their painters to adjust them
They know nothing but love , creativity and fun
But for the next generation the Chance of purity will soon be gone
Look around you
Children are exchanging their imagination
For the new PlayStation
The creativity and love that they have are being traded for hatred
And As they get older they are showered in examinations
And that is when they fall victim to society\'s expectations
Children are the future
And people are questioning why it\'s poisoned
The answer to that is written everywhere
Social media has caused it
What\'s going on in the real world is unseen
We are trapped in poverty, conflict and lack of education
But The entire nation are glued to their screens
Things are going from bad to worse
From sunshine to rain
From nicotine to codeine
From happiness to pain
They make it sound easy
And It\'s causing people to \"love\" themselves for the wrong reasons
Society says it\'s Easy to balance having the perfect body, perfect partner , .a perfect life.
But they don\'t mention that it\'s ok to not feel like smiling sometimes
So they bottle it up and wear their smile like they wear the latest trends
Being heartbroken because people who love them only love them for the character society force them to portray

Society will make you question yourself
but your inner child is the answer
If you carry on being a sheep to society that inner child will die out faster
Children are the key to peace , love and happiness
The true meaning of success
But it will be hard to win Because this life is like a rigged game of chess
Everyone is becoming the same like a disease that\'s infected the nation
We all know what is happening is wrong
But no one will say anything because we are already slaves to societies expectations