kevin browne

Beauty Is This Life.

In waiting for something to turn into the stone that robbed you
When you walk the wall of China and getting ready for the fall
Unreal theories are what is needed waiting for history to happen
Covers of a book can be the misfortune of any writers descriptions
When Sirius has a system by calling out a poets name every year
So allow those brightest stars to shine down on his written ink
And living in the sky are we when the glitter begins its display
The glum which took away our existence on a dodgy looking day
The fields will rise above the mountains that reigned for so long
Humpty Dumpty fell off the world and the imagination caught fire
Stealing a four leaf clover when we knew another child was born
Any advantage is always taken too lightly for any scars to burn
Then no-one taught us never to trust in God, the devil or Heaven
Searching secrets that were tied up and hidden in a pirates cove
A scholar leans back and whispers \"I\'ve never heard this before\"
Moisturising egos played the part of destroying everything in need
Taught on the shoulders of Gods willing participation in helping out
That a confrontation with a lonely feather has helped many a death
Standing on the stage of life and shouting out the orders for right
A range in anything we study perhaps has the answers for living
When Darwin cried about his God when he toppled over too
As we are peddling for survival but Darwin only said the fittest
Of a thought that taught very badly well to incorporate each other
Didn\'t Marx start a story of a philosopher and has never stopped
And in our hearts, fires burn but will it ever melt the pain away
A darkness glowing in the shadows of the rainbows that open up
The piano player cries out a melody in tune with the love of life
Making the end a little brighter to listen in and learn what it says
Forgiving is a blessing this world teaches us what a blessing it is
An angel high on a cloud reciting why a star is singing out
Because beauty is this life and remembers to always wonder why.