
The power of love


There is no moment
different from another.
Each moment,
stripped to its bare,
is the same moment.
Each moment is a moment
designed for love.
Nothing more,
nothing less.
We must reach down
and see that love
is the only reason
for our being
and the only reason
for this moment.
When we listen closely,
we know this.
When we feel deeply,
we know this.
It is not complicated.
To love is to forgive
and then to realize
that there was nothing to forgive
True love subsumes forgiveness.
True love can only see
the loveliness of another.
True love cannot see a fault.
The force of love is so great
as to subsume
all other rival forces,
or intentions.
This moment,
contains everything
because it contains
Love can reach out
and embrace all things,
tangible or intangible,
present or absent,
committed or uncommitted,
desirous or uninterested,
and loving or hateful
in return.
This is the power